Monday, October 31, 2005

Lutheran Hour Sermon

Lutheran Hour Sermon, October 30 by Rev. Mike Walther, Guest Speaker Here is an excellent sermon for Reformation based on Psalm 118.

Happy Reformation Day!

Dr. Scott Murray's Memorial Moment
If you have the time, read Dr. Scott Murray's Memorial moment for Reformation Day. (If you follow this link you will be taken to the current Memorial Moment)

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Circuit Reformation Service

A Circuit Reformation Service will be held today St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Niles, MI at 4 PM. A meal will be served.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Pastor Kelly Coming

Here's the latest news. I talked to "soon to be pastor" Brad Kelly. He has been assigned to Christ Lutheran Church. Please keep him and his family in your prayers. We all look forward to their coming

Here's my first Blog

Hi Christ Lutheran Folk (Stevensville, MI)

Hopefully, I'll be putting fun and informative stuff here!