Saturday, January 13, 2007

Today Hilary of Poitiers, church father, is commemorated

This is Hilary of Poitiers day. He is a church father who was born in the late third century and served in the fourth century. He is renouwned for his defense of the historic Christian faith against the attack of Arianism. You may read more about in Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Friday, January 12, 2007

January Lutheran Witness available

The January Lutheran Witness is available for download as a PDF file. It is about 10 pages shorter than the print version but there are some very good articles this month including:

by Charles Knippel
This wonderful season still 'epiphanizes' christians to be the light of the world, sharing Christ with people who cry out for the "Light of light.'

by James Lamb
Despite what its proponents say, the fact remains that human cloning for any reason cannot be justified.

by Marvin Platten
A determined church staff goes to its knees to save an unborn child.

by Uwe Siemon-Netto
The Lutheran doctrine of two kingdoms explains how God works in His spiritual kingdom and His earthly kingdom. Unfortunately, man's selfish nature is to trump both with 'me.'

by Gerry Draper
What does it mean to be a godparent? It means traveling a lifelong faith journey with your godchild.

These are all good articles. If you are a godparent or sponsor, please read GODPARENTING FOR DUMMIES.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A Lutheran Response to the 'Left Behind' Series"

The "Left Behind" people want you to believe that their's is the majority or only opinion regarding the proper understanding of the end times. Here are a couple of documents that correct many of their faulty notions:

"A Lutheran Response to the 'Left Behind' Series."

"A Bible Study Companion to A Lutheran Response to the 'Left Behind' Series"

(These are both pdf files.)

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Mission Service Opportunity: Latvia

Mission Service Opportunity: Latvia

I've been asked by a number of people to update my blog more frequently. Ok, I'll try to put things up here that I find interesting. If you are young and energetic or at least energetic, you might be interested in this or some other mission opportunity.

January 9, 2007

LCMS World Mission

Your Link to Mission Action.


God knows us, what we need and what we long for. He sent his Son: Emmanuel, God with us. Through faith in Jesus' death and resurrection, our relationship with God is restored and we have life. LCMS World Mission's long-term missionary program focuses on relationship ministry. As a long-term missionary, you build relationships with people who need and long for the same thing we all do: true life in Christ.


From the LCMS World Mission Opportunity Database.

Right now you have the opportunity to meet an urgent need as an Ablaze! Outreach Worker in Latvia.

"Long-term missionaries are needed for service in both Lithuania and Latvia. These individuals will work with existing local congregations of LCMS partner churches to reach out to the community through relationship building and English-as-a-Foreign-Language classes. Most work will be focused on youth and children's ministries. Professional church workers (DCE, DCO, Deaconess, Lay Minister) are especially encouraged to apply."

For more information, go to:

Contact an LCMS World Mission placement counselor at 1-800-433-3954 or



1333 South Kirkwood Road

St. Louis, Missouri, 63122-7295, US

Telephone: 1-800-433-3954


Web site:

Ablaze! Movement: