- First is a discussion of the Easter Hymn "Christ Has Arisen, Alleluia" by Dr. Arthur Just Concordia Theological Seminary, Ft. Wayne on Issues, Etc. -- April 8 .
Click here for the mp3
- Second is a discussion of of the "New Athiests" by Dr. John Warwick Montgomery on Issues, Etc. -- April 29.
Click here for the mp3
- Third is a discussion of the "National Day of Prayer" by Chris Rosebrough ExtremeTheology.Com on Issues, Etc. --- May 3. I acutally downloaded this one because I was interested in the discussion about the volume level of church music but it turned out that the first half of the show is on the National Day of Prayer. It is an interesting discussion, hope you enjoy.
Click here for the mp3
If you listen to any of these shows, let me know what you think