If you have been following the news about the so-called Gospel of Judas, this New York Times Article will be of interest to you . Apparently the National Geographic Society got the translation of the Gospel of Judas wrong.
April DeConick, a specialist in Gnostic Christianity, writes that the National Geographic Society made important errors in its publication ofThe Gospel of Judas.
Here is another article from the Christian Century that covers the same subject. It pays to wait until all the evidence is in.
The first link stated that the Gospel of Judas was found in an egyptian tomb in the 1970s. How do they know this? Also, why would the Egyptians want to put it in a tomb?
During the 1970s, a leather-bound Coptic papyrus [1] was discovered near Beni Masah, Egypt. This has been translated and appears to be a text from the 2nd century A.D. describing the story of Jesus's death from the viewpoint of Judas. The conclusion of the text refers (in Coptic) to the text as "the Gospel of Judas" (Euangelion Ioudas).
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