I found the section on complaining to be very helpful:
Philippians 2:12-13
“Therefore, my dear friends, as you have
always obeyed-- not only in my presence,
but now much more in my absence–
continue to work out your (plural) soteria
with fear and trembling, for it is God who
works in you to will and to act according
to his good purpose.”
Philippians 2:14-15
“Do everything without goggusmon or
arguing, so that you may become
blameless and pure, children of God
without fault in a crooked and depraved
generation, in which you shine like stars
in the universe.”
- The Whiner - “It’s Not Fair!”
- The Martyr - “No One Appreciates Me!”
- The Cynic - “Nothing Will Ever Change!”
- The Perfectionist - “Is That Your Best?”
Which One are You?
- The Whiner
- The Martyr
- The Cynic
- The Perfectionist
- All of the Above
- None of the Above
- Not On Where We’ve Been
- Not On Where We Are
- On Where We’re Going
Philippians 2:16-18
“… as you hold out the word of life-- in order that I may boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothing. But even if I am being poured out like a drink offering on the sacrifice and service coming from your faith, I am glad and have chara with all of you. So you too should have chara and chara with me.”
All Thy works with joy surround Thee, Earth and heav’n reflect Thy rays.
Stars and angels sing around Thee, Center of unbroken praise.
Field and forest, vale and mountain, Flow’ry meadow, flashing sea.
Chanting bird, and flowing fountain, Call us to rejoice in Thee!
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