Friday, January 15, 2010

LCMS response to the earthquake in Haiti

As I receive word about the LCMS work in Haiti, I'll try to pass it along.

January 14, 2010 .................... LCMSNews -- No. 4

LCMS World Relief to assist Haitians; mission teams, missionary OK

By Linda C. Hoops

As estimates of the loss of life and destruction in Haiti emerged following Tuesday's magnitude 7.0 earthquake, LCMS World Relief and Human Care (WR-HC) began responding, while members of LCMS congregations prayed for the safety of their mission teams who were in the Caribbean nation at the time of the quake.

"The unfolding drama in Haiti calls for unlimited mercy on the part of the people of the LCMS. The needs are urgent and overwhelming right now," said Rev. Glenn F. Merritt, WR-HC director of disaster response. "I appeal to God's people to respond as generously as possible during this most difficult time."

Haitians piled bodies along the devastated streets of their capital, Port-au-Prince, on Wednesday after the strongest earthquake to hit the nation in more than 200 years crushed thousands of structures, from schools and shacks to the National Palace and the U.N. peacekeeping headquarters. An untold number of people were still trapped.

Haitian President Rene Preval said the devastation was so complete that he estimated the death toll would run into the thousands. International Red Cross spokesman Paul Conneally said an estimated 3 million people may have been affected by the quake and that it would take a day or two for a clear picture of the damage to emerge..

Safe after the quake is a missionary family, Alyssa Stone and her two daughters, who live west of the capital where the shaking wasn't as strong. Stone is a deaconess intern from Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne.

Also reported as safe are at least three short-term mission teams in Haiti from LCMS congregations and mission organizations in Minnesota, Nebraska, New York, and Wisconsin.

The article continues here.

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