Friday, March 12, 2010

Do you "get it"?

When I was a young pastor, I thought that patience and persistence would pay off. And in some ways it has. However, now as I approach the late afternoon of my ministry, I have become more and more frustrated with Christian people who just don't "get it." Get what? Who Jesus is and what He came to do for us. Law and Gospel. Sin and Grace. Death and Resurrection. Repentance and forgiveness.

It doesn't bother me so much that unbelievers don't get it. It bothers me when Christians in other denominations don't get it. But what really bothers me is when Lutherans don't get it. This affliction is not only found among the lay but more and more among the clergy.

Somebody who seems to "get it" is Tragically, the "Jesus" that is presented in the sermons that promote this definition of being a Christ Follower isn't the savior of the world who died on the cross for the sins of the world and calls all nations to repentance of their sins and the forgiveness of sins won by Christ on the Cross. Instead, the "Jesus" that is presented in these sermons is a "life coach", a training buddy and the supreme example of an emotionally well adjusted risk taking leader who lived the ultimate life of significance and purpose. This purpose-driven "Jesus" is there to help you achieve what he achieved and invites you to follow his examples and methods so that you can be Christlike too."

So do not lose heart!

Read the entire post here


Unknown said...

Hey P.Q. - Aloha!

I couldn't agree more! I know you and I discussed this over the years as we saw this trend growing..."seven habits", "purpose driven" recipe religion. Will the real Jesus (and Christians!) please stand up!!!

pax vobiscum,

Philip Quardokus said...

Thanks, Ken. Great to hear from you!!! Hope you have a wonderful Easter.