Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Thoughts on The Baptism of our Lord

From earliest times the birth of Jesus, Epiphany, and The Baptism of our Lord have been closely associated in the Church Year.  By 385 Epiphany and The Baptism of our Lord was a major eight day celebration in Jerusalem.
The Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River is a much loved subject of Christian art.  It adorns stained glass windows, paintings and icons.

Although The Baptism of our Lord is often passed over in many non-liturgical churches, it affords us the opportunity direct our attention to Jesus’ message and ministry.  John the Baptist, Jesus, and His disciples all share a common message, “Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand.” From their time until now, baptism and repentance have been closely connected. 
As we celebrate the beginning of Jesus’ ministry at His baptism, let us see its fulfillment in the cross and resurrection. Jesus’ Baptism is the ideal time for us to remember that in baptism with have been truly connected to Jesus’ death and resurrection.  May we daily return to baptism in repentance and live the new life we have received by the working of the Holy Spirit through baptism.
Pastor Quardokus

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