It is a tried and true saying that we all want to belong. Yet there are certain ways of belonging that we all reject. Slavery is a way of belonging. It is an absolutely terrible way of belonging.
We all struggle with the temptations of the flesh but today it seems that our culture is enslaved to immorality. It is promoted as normal in everything from news broadcasts to children’s books. What are we to do?
Christians have always been confronted with an immoral world. The ancient Romans were known for their engineering and technological skills. They were also known for tolerating and promoting horrendously immoral life styles. Emperor after emperor flaunted a disregard for even the most basic moral sensibility.
We may be born into an immoral world but we don’t have to live enslaved to it. There is an entirely different way of belonging. We belong to a family! We belong to Jesus’ family. His Father is our Father. Through our adoption into Christ we have all the rights and privileges of the family of God. We are no longer slaves! Through Christ’s cross we have been freed from the chains that connect us to sin and death.
It is a great comfort to be able to call the Almighty God of the universe, Abba! Father! As children in His family we are granted a wonderful inheritance—Eternal life!
Prayer: Dear Father, I thank you that I can come to you as your dear child. Grant that I may not fall back into my sinful ways. If I should fall, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” Amen.
God’s richest blessings in Christ,
Pastor Philip Quardokus
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