Friday, July 25, 2014

Pentecost Season Devotion, July 25

The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Matthew 13:44

The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure!!! How can this be true when church is so boring?  How can this be true when someone at church hurt my feelings?  How can this be true when ...?

The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure---hidden!!!! Some people expect church to be like the latest block buster movie or rock star or comedian or five star restaurant or ...  If that's the kind of church you are looking for you will never find the kingdom of heaven.  The kingdom of heaven is hidden behind imperfect pastors, crying children, hard pews, unfamiliar music, sinful people ....

The kingdom of heaven is not found in flashy programs or comfortable venues.  The kingdom of heaven is found in the cross of Christ.  The Kingdom of Heaven is found where the Gospel is proclaimed and the Sacraments are properly administered.  The Kingdom of Heaven is found where there is forgiveness of sins, life and salvation. If you are looking for something else in a church, the Kingdom of Heaven will forever remain hidden from you.

But when you find these things in your church, you have found a treasure that is worth more than any earthly possession.  If you could buy it, nothing could hold you back. But almost unbelievably, this treasure is free!  You receive by grace through faith.

Prayer: Lord thank you for the greatest treasure of all, the gift of your Son, Jesus. Grant that I may always see that hidden treasure in my church. Amen.

Treasure of Villena
 The second biggest prehistoric gold finding in Europe.

God’s richest blessings in Christ,

Pastor Philip Quardokus

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