Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Pentecost Season Devotion, July 23

“The righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father.” Matthew 13:43

I’m not sure who the first person was who became a famous celebrity for no other reason than knowing how to manipulate the media but a few come to mind. (I won’t name them, I’m sure you can think of some.) Being a celebrity and making a big splash in the world is the dream of many. Our days are filled with reports of the activities of the rich and famous.  When a well known person dies everyone is sad. When one of them marries or has a child, everyone celebrates. (Or so it seems.)

In fact the real celebrities in life are the righteous. They are the ones who live in the Father’s kingdom, doing what the Father requests.

Have you ever thought that when you pray, “Thy kingdom come” that you were praying to be a representative of God’s kingdom in your daily activities. People will be blessed by your presence in their lives. In their eyes your activities will shine like the sun.

Yesterday, I was in a retail establishment just before closing time. I was sorry that we were there so late but family matters prevented us from getting there any sooner.  I was concerned as I saw the staff hurry to serve the remaining customers.  I knew that they were anxious to be calling it a day and returning to their homes and loved ones.

A young woman came to help my mother. I had seen her wait on the previous customer but didn’t pay close attention but now she was interacting with my mother. I was delighted to see how pleasant and kind she was at the end of the day when I know she was tired and wanted to be home. How pleasant to see someone be kind and compassionate. She shone like the sun in my eyes.

Unfortunately, we seldom act in righteous and totally caring ways. Selfishness dominates our sinful condition. We are often short with people who do not fit our agenda. Rudeness and discourtesy rule among us.

We know that in this life, no one is truly righteous. We all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.  For this reason, Jesus became righteous for us. His active obedience of God’s holy law never faltered once. And in baptism that righteousness is given to us and we receive it by faith.

You and I, together with all the Christian people, shine like the sun in the kingdom because Jesus is our righteousness. As God’s children we now cannot help but live in the way that pleases God. Of course through weakness we still fall but in Christ those sins are forgiven. On the day of the resurrection our righteousness will be total and complete. Then Jesus' prophesy will be ultimately fulfilled. “The righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father.”

Prayer: Dear God, thank you for giving me Christ’s righteousness. Grant that my life will be one that brings joy and peace to those around me. Amen.

God’s richest blessings in Christ,

Pastor Philip Quardokus

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