Saturday, April 24, 2010

Nominations for president of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod

I ran across this article today at

It's a report on the nominations for President of Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod. It's always interesting to note what the secular press has to say about things.

Nominations for President of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod

Friday, April 09, 2010

God's Good Choices--Dr. Scott Murray

A miner panning for gold is excited to find a few flecks of shining metal in his pan. It is even more exciting to find the mother lode and a rich vein of ore. If you are not regularly reading Scott Murray, you are missing out on one of the richest resources available.

Today's devotion titled God's Good Choices includes this paragraph:

I am shocked by how many clergy do not know this thirst for the gospel. Paul's doctrine of justification is incomprehensible to them. They can speak of "Christianity" only in the terms dictated by the culture. For example, they can only speak of good choices, "We can make good choices with Jesus." One of the problems here is that the doers of the action remain those who are being addressed. Jesus is merely a helper or an incidental add on. You could substitute almost anything for Jesus in this statement, such as wisdom, good instruction, or parental involvement. This is not really the biblical gospel, but the world's order (as valid as it might be), with a little Jesus thrown in to sound religious. It is also a confusion of the two kingdoms. We would be better to speak to young people about their choices with the help of human wisdom, good instruction, or parental involvement. This is exactly where they need to get their ability to make "good choices."