Saturday, January 16, 2010

Thrivent Financial to supplement Lutheran gifts for Haiti

President Gerald B. Kieschnick of the LCMS has announced that Thrivent Financial will supplement Lutheran gifts for Haiti. Our door offering will be matched $1 for every $2 contributed. Thrivent Financial has pledged to contribute as much as $1 million to this effort.

Here is a portion of President Kieschnick's letter to congregations.

To: The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod

From: President Gerald B. Kieschnick

Subject: Special Announcement, Thrivent Financial to supplement Lutheran gifts for Haiti

Date: January 15, 2010

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

It is with a grateful heart that I write this update regarding support for Haiti earthquake response. Thrivent Financial for Lutherans announced today a 50-percent matching gift - $1 for every $2 its members contribute - to Lutheran disaster relief agencies including LCMS World Relief and Human Care in St. Louis and Lutheran World Relief in Baltimore.

Thrivent Financial has pledged to contribute as much as $1 million to this effort, which they are calling "Helping Haiti." This campaign may generate $3 million for desperately needed earthquake relief efforts in Haiti - $1 million from Thrivent Financial added to $2 million or more from its members.

Here are ways to give to Haiti earthquake relief that will qualify for the matching gift:

LCMS World Relief and Human Care in St. Louis:


Phone: 888-930-4438 (toll-free)

Mail: LCMS World Relief and Human Care, P.O. Box 66861, St. Louis, MO 63166-6861 (Mark checks "Haiti Earthquake Relief")

use the following link for the entire letter.

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