Tuesday, July 17, 2012

How to Write An Awful Worship Song (by Stephen Altrogge)

Ok, so this is the third time this title has been used to refer to an article by Stephen Altrogge (I'm sure the number will multiply.  But this is just too good not to pass along.)

See if this rings true to you:

How to Write An Awful Worship Song
by Pastor Riley's Blog

by Stephen Altrogge

So you finally learned to play the guitar and now you’re wondering, “How do I write a truly awful worship song?” You’ve come to the right place my friend. Here are some sure fire ways to write a truly horrible worship song.

Recycle A Love Song. Write a song for your girlfriend. When she breaks up with you, convert it into a worship song. Be sure to change all uses of “girl” or “baby”.

[This would be funny if it weren't so true.  Not only that but unfortunately these "love song" worship tunes usually lag far behind in quality to the real thing.  I haven't heard it, but I'm sure it's out there--The Christian version of "Call Me Maybe."  I cringe to think about it.--PQ]

Use Time Tested Rhymes. Make sure that you rhyme “love” and “above” at least twice. The song becomes doubly awful if you can also incorporate the word “dove”. Example: “You sent your love from above, makes my heart feel like a pure white dove.” You get the point.

[Oops.  Tire expressions can find their way into the pulpit too.  guilty--PQ]

Be Vague About Your Theology. Make sure to avoid any theology at all costs. Don’t talk about atonement, wrath, or any other biblical concepts. You want your song to be all about feeling. Don’t let the mind get in the way. Repeat after me: “Worship is a warm feeling, sort of like heartburn, only better.”

[Come on.  How can so many people be wrong.--PQ]

Make the Song All About You.  The main point of your song should be your experiences and how God makes you feel. Don’t bother with objective truth about God. I would suggest that you use the words “I” or “me” at least 12-15 times. For example, “I feel like singing, yes I feel like spinning, because You make me feel so good inside. Like it’s my birthday, but more awesome.”

[What can I say? I'm important!--PQ]

Be Incredibly Poetic. If you can, muddy the waters with poetic phrases that don’t make much sense. Example: “Your love is like a warm summer’s breeze, washing over my heart like a crystal river.”

[Hey!!! I got an A in high school for writing like that!--PQ]

Use Well-Worn Musical Progressions. If you can, keep your music and melody boring. I would suggest that you use no more than four distinct notes in a song, so that by the time someone is done listening to it they want to scream. A worship scream, but a scream nonetheless. It also helps if you use the chords G, C, and D over and over.

[mmmmmmmm Just like a Christian mantra!--PQ]

Defend Your Song Like It’s Your Firstborn Child. Do not, I repeat, do not, let anyone make suggestions for improvement. Tell people that God laid the song on your heart. Tell people that you really want to preserve the artistic integrity of the song. Tell people that you already did the song at your campus ministry and that a revival broke out. Don’t take advice from anyone.

[Oh, no wonder people get angry.  I didn't realize that I was commenting on their children.]

There you have it. Seven ways to write a terrible worship song. You can thank me later.

[So here you have it.  Your path to success with the teenyboppers of any age.

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