Tuesday, April 02, 2013


My story of Quasimodogeniti. I remember my pastor mentioning Quasimodogeniti Sunday when I was growing up.  He taught the congregation all the Latin names for the Sundays of the Church Year and I have to confess that I am fond of them.  Quasimodogeniti is a somewhat startling and fun name to say but that’s not why I like this Sunday so much.  It’s because of the message of 1 Peter 2:2, “Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation.”

My love of this Sunday began in 1978.  I attended the Minnesota North District Convention.  It was my first convention as a pastor and I eagerly looked forward to it.  At the opening service, the First Vice-President of the District preached on 1 Peter 2:2.  It was one of the most inspiring and memorable sermons that I have ever heard.

Upon reflection I realized that one of the reasons that it was so remarkable to me is because it was the first sermon that I had heard in almost a year.  As a new pastor, I had preached every Sunday and it wasn’t until that day that I was able to sit and drink in the wonderful message of God’s word proclaimed by someone else.  

This experience drove home to me the importance of craving the pure spiritual milk of God’s word and growing in the faith.  When we are absent from church (even when we are doing our own Bible study), we lack the full impact of the Word of God on our lives.  When people claim that they can be Christians without going to church, they are deceiving themselves.  This is like saying that you can be a baby without craving milk!  Indeed it’s a true statement but a baby that doesn’t crave milk will be a week baby indeed.
Pastor Quardokus

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