Thursday, November 21, 2013

Christmas Angels

And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:10-11

The shepherds were literally in the dark!  They were abiding in the fields by NIGHT when the Christmas angels came to them.
 Indeed this is how it always is.  We live in a sin darkened world separated from the true light of God’s grace and mercy in Christ.  We only can learn of the light and life of Christ if God sends to us His angels with the message of Salvation.
Our contemporary world is a time of great irony. We are the most connected people in all of history.  Facebook, Twitter, Vine, Youtube, email, and texting occupy our generation in ways that our parents and grandparents could have never imagined. We learn of births and deaths, tragedies and triumphs at almost the speed of light.  Our friends and family (and possibly the government?) can track our every action and learn of our every thought. 
Yet we also live in a time when we have become the most disconnected from God in living memory.  People claim to be spiritual but not religious.  They claim to know God but not want to be associated with His people, the Church. Our comedians and entertainers are proud of their foul and vulgar language. Those who claim to speak for God distort or destroy His commandments. God’s plan for marriage is gleefully corrupted before the altars of once faithful churches.  Even many preachers who claim to still believe the Bible have turned the Gospel into a rule book. They have made it into an owner’s manual for life rather than the divine message of God’s abiding love for sinners and the work of Christ for our salvation.
Yet this is no surprise to us who know the Bible. Advent and Christmas are a time of celebrating God’s love and mercy coming into darkened hearts and minds. To make this happen God sends angels just as He sent the Christmas angels to the shepherds.
The Advent/Christmas story is full of angels.  Indeed all of the scripture is abounding in angels.  Angels are messengers. Many of the angels in the Bible are the divine messengers of God.  Many are human messengers of sin and grace.
The Old Testament prophets were angels foretelling the time as Isaiah says: “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light” (Isaiah 9:2). John the Baptist was a human messenger, an angel in God’s plan, who prepared the way of the Lord.  Divine angels appeared to Mary, Joseph, Zechariah, and shepherds. An angel in the form of a star guided the wise men from the far off eastern realms. Without God’s human and divine angels no one would know: “unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”
Yet there is still work for angels.  On many days as I watch the news or read facebook or follow twitter or go to the movies or learn of repugnant laws and court rulings, I am reminded of the darkness around us.  Oh that God would send angels.
Wait, He has sent angels and He still sends angels.  Even today He sends faithful messengers of sin and grace who proclaim repentance and forgiveness of sins through faith in Christ. These angels not only include pastors and teachers.  These angels include you!
God has placed in your life people who dwell in the darkness of sin.  They will never know the light and love of God’s grace unless God’s messenger brings them the message. Paraphrasing Mordecai’s words to Esther, God may have placed you where you are to be a Christmas angel for your loved ones.
Pastor Quardokus

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