Wednesday, May 04, 2011

"Paradigm-Collapse Trauma" and the end of Biblical Minimalism.

If you know me, you know that I have great interest in Biblical Archaeology. I'm very interested in the everyday life of Biblical people. The more we know about them the more we understand the Bible.

So through the years, my reading has sent me deeper and deeper into the sometimes arcane world of Biblical Archaeology. Like most disciplines, there is the over simplified view promoted to outsiders and the multifaceted few understood by insiders. It does seem that the media generally like to promote the over simplified view of "scholars" who promote a low view of scriptures and ignore evidence to the contrary.

Here is a very interesting article on the collapse of the low view of Biblical chronology. To sum it up, the Bible is much more historically accurate than it is often assumed by those influenced by these "scholars."

The Birth & Death of Biblical Minimalism By Yosef Garfinkel BAR 37:03, May/Jun 2011

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