Friday, March 21, 2014

Lenten Devotion - Friday, March 21

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. Matthew 28:19-20

In Luther’s Large Catechism, we read:

“For the coming of God’s kingdom to us happens in two ways: (a) here in time through the Word and faith [Matthew 13]; and (b) in eternity forever through revelation [Luke 19:11; 1 Peter 1:4–5]. Now we pray for both these things. We pray that the kingdom may come to those who are not yet in it, and, by daily growth that it may come to us who have received it, both now and hereafter in eternal life. All this is nothing other than saying, ‘Dear Father, we pray, give us first Your Word, so that the Gospel may be preached properly throughout the world. Second, may the Gospel be received in faith and work and live in us, so that through the Word and the Holy Spirit’s power [Romans 15:18–19], Your kingdom may triumph among us. And we pray that the devil’s kingdom be put down [Luke 11:17–20], so that he may have no right or power over us [Luke 10:17–19; Colossians 1], until at last his power may be utterly destroyed. So sin, death, and hell shall be exterminated [Revelation 20:13–14]. Then we may live forever in perfect righteousness and blessedness’ [Ephesians 4:12–13].”

Here Luther reminds us that “Thy Kingdom Come” is not only a prayer for personal blessings but it is also a great missionary prayer. Let us never begin to believe that Christ’s Kingdom is only for us and not for everyone for whom Jesus died.

Prayer: Father in heaven, may your Holy Spirit work in the hearts of your people to produce a missionary zeal for those who do not yet know the love of our Savior and the gift of eternal life. Amen.

God’s richest blessings in Christ,
Pastor Philip Quardokus

Download a pdf of all the Lenten devotions here.

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