Monday, May 19, 2014

Eastertide Devotion – May 19

Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. John 14:1

The Gospel lesson for Sunday began with these words.  About them Martin Luther says:

It is as if He were saying: “My dear disciples, I know very well what your lot will be after I depart from you and leave you alone. Sheer terror and fear will overwhelm you. The spectacle of My fate will fill you with trepidation. Your hearts will melt within you, and you will scarcely know where to turn. I am telling you this before it happens, to keep you from growing fainthearted. Be bold, and prepare for the struggle that lies ahead. When this time comes, then think of My admonition, lest you soon lose heart and despair.” (Luther’s Works 24:10)

If you are familiar with Martin Luther’s life, you know that he had many opportunities to fear. He also certainly must have draw comfort from these very words of Jesus.

When you don’t know where to turn; when you are fainthearted, hear again the words of Jesus, “Let not your hearts be troubled.”  Be bold, be calm, and rejoice in the salvation won for you by Jesus. Remember that He has gone to prepare a place in the mansions of heaven specially for you!

Prayer: Lord Jesus, you know the struggles I have with fear and anxiety.  Grant me the trust and faith I need to relieve my troubled heart. Amen

Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld's (1794-1872)
depiction of the New Jerusalem, Jesus, and Mary
surrounded by a myriad of angels.

God’s richest blessings in Christ,

Pastor Philip Quardokus

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