Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Eastertide Devotion – May 6

The word of the Lord remains forever. 1 Peter 1:25

I’ve been a pastor for almost four decades, during this time I have learned that the survival of the church depends on strong leadership and management practices.  I have learned that the survival of the church depends on adapting successful business strategies.  I have learned that the survival of the church depends on adopting new communication tools.  I have learned that the survival of the church depends on entertaining worship.  I have learned that the survival of the church depends of technology and video projectors.  I have learned that the survival of the church depends on opinion polls and keeping a finger on the pulse of young people.  I have learned that the survival of the church involves adopting the new cultural norms.  I have learned that the survival of the church depends on polished marketing campaigns.

While I certainly believe that the Lord deserves our best efforts in the use of the gifts that He provides, it is a deception of the devil to believe that the church depends on any of these. The church will always survive because it depends on Jesus and His word.  He founded the church and  He builds it.

During the Reformation it was a difficult time for many who relied on Jesus alone for their salvation. The forces of the Holy Roman Empire were poised to stamp out this new and revitalized discovery of the Gospel.  At that time 1 Peter 1:25 (The word of the Lord remains forever) became the motto of those who believed in the enduring power and authority of God’s Word.

Frederick the Wise took the first letter of each word from this verse in Latin (VDMA) and had it sewn on the right sleeve of everyone in his court.  It became the official motto of the Smalcaldic League and was used on flags, banners and uniforms as a symbol of God’s faithfulness to His people through His holy word.
As we approach the 2000th anniversary of Christ’s resurrection and Pentecost, it is important to remember that the survival of the church depends on nothing other than God and His word. It will remain forever. Cultures and business practices will come and go. Technologies will wax and wane. Opinions and polls will blow with the wind but the word of the Lord endures forever!

May we never lose heart in our struggle to remain faithful to the truth of God’s word and the message of salvation through faith in Christ.

Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for the gift of your holy and eternal word. Grant that I may never waver in my faith in Christ in spite of opposition that comes from the devil, the world, and my own sinful self. Amen.

Frederick the Wise
by Lucas Cranach the Elder


The Word of the Lord Endures Forever

God’s richest blessings in Christ,

Pastor Philip Quardokus

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